Monday, November 19, 2012


Some of the best moments in life are those moments that, for whatever reason, you actually feel in your heart. Those moments when you read or hear or see something sweet, and you can't help but feel that swelling of warmth in your chest and so deep in your gut, it almost brings tears.

Today was the Cast party for Beauty and the Beast, which basically wraps up the entire experience. Each of those kids, especially the smaller ones and my new friends, has always been so wonderful and sweet to me, but for some reason, I received many amazing complements tonight.

It really makes me happy to know people notice my work onstage, and care enough to share it with me.

On top of that is the sudden realization of the impact I've made in some of these kids' lives. I received several hugs, a few girls confessing I was their favorite Silly Girl, a beautiful balloon heart, ....and this note:

"Dear Rachel,

It's official! You are my FAVORITE Silly girl! You're also my favorite beautiful girl. At the dance call backs, I was alone, and then you came! <3 You were my only friend there. And when you saved my sister from getting trampled! You rescued her! Getting trampled is Allie's worst nightmare! Thank you so much for being my friend. You have an amazing voice and you're a spectacular actress! <3 A million thank you's for making this one of my favorite shows of all time! This was a classic and you made it even better! With your amazing talent this show was a blast! Everything with you is a blast! I'm so lucky to have a friend like you!
XOXO, Emily"

....This is the sweetest note I have ever received.

At any audition or callback, I usually make a point out of being social to calm mine and other people's nerves. Emily was particularly quiet at this dance callback, and wasn't around anyone, so naturally, she was my social buddy. She seemed to appreciate the company, so I decided to make a point out of remembering her name and staying around her.
She ended up being cast as a featured dancer: Perfect for her!

I don't remember when I saved her sister from being run over by the mobs of children at the studio, but I did remember Emily's name long after the callback. Throughout the show, I've gotten to spend a lot of time with her and her sister, Allie, and I've found that these girls have a beautiful, genuine sweetness about them I haven't seen in anyone for a long time.

To hear that I made such an impact on them is....inspiring and touching.

You never know how your actions can affect others. Normally, I hear that phrase when I've done something that affects others negatively, and I've heard it can be positive as well, but I never experienced it until now.

Emily, Allie, I don't know if you'll ever read this, but you girls made this show so memorable and fun for me too. Keep at your dreams: You are both princesses.


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