Sunday, November 4, 2012

Night Nausea News

I'm having one of those nights again....

It's 11:12, but my body is used to it being midnight, so I feel really, really sick. I'm nauseous, a little shaky, and my stomach is gurgling. It's probably all because I'm tired, but I'm emetophobic.

Emetophobia: An intense, irrational fear or anxiety pertaining to vomiting.

So naturally, I'm wide awake, freaking out, and having not only extreme tiredness symptoms, but anxiety attack symptoms too. Great.

Might as well take this opportunity to catch up on everything:

1. Halloween
Halloween happened last week! I hope yours was happy and safe! I didn't do much honestly, except my Youth Group had a Halloween hang-out where we usually meet, which was really fun! I wore an outfit representing Princess Buttercup in this fashion:

It wasn't too impressive. Basically all I did was wear a white long-sleeved shirt with a white skirt, and put a sparkly light blue and purple tank top over it. Pin a white flowy scarf to my shirt, stick on a tiara, and voila! I should've curled my hair, but oh well.

The original plan for Halloween had been to dress up as an old lady (I had a friend who was going to be an old man with me) and walk around from house to house with a door frame. Our door would have a sign that said "Knock," and when the people did, we would open the door and reverse trick or treat them: complement them on their "costumes," hand them candy, shut the door, pick the door up, and leave. Wouldn't that be awesome?! Maybe next year....

Anyways, I saw the movie "Nightmare Before Christmas" for the first time! I liked the story, but it was still pretty creepy... maybe it was just the Claymation. I'm not a claymation fan. Looking at it for too long just makes me feel sick. Not sure why..... Sally and Oogie Boogey creeped me out especially.
Ew. Gross.

2. My very last cross-country meet
Basically, I ran three miles in 26 minutes and only walked three times. I got a personal record for the course with a 2 min 36 second improvement. I feel very proud of myself. Then, since I'm a senior, I got a rose, and my coach introduced me to the other schools as the team's Disney Princess. Why yes, I did feel awesome, thank you very much.

3. Aladdin
The Junior Highers at my school performed Disney's "Aladdin Jr." for their musical this year, and a good friend of mine played Princess Jasmine. The show as a whole was absolutely ADORABLE and wonderful! As a Disney and Aladdin fan, I was thoroughly pleased.

Alas, the show had no Abu

After the show though, my Princess Jasmine friend was swarmed with a huge crowd of family, friends, and seniors that know her. I think she was quite overwhelmed.... poor thing. She was fabulous though!!!

The other characters I was super impressed with were the Genie and the Carpet. The Genie was played by this hoot of a sixth grader who just mastered Genie's attitude and joke telling. I still can't believe she's a pixie. Holy Cow.
I was told before I saw the show that the carpet was a super gymnast. I wasn't sure what to expect before the show, but man, she was. She was tumbling all over the place like a bouncy ball. Plus, she was super adorable!!!

There are so many more highlights from the show I could talk about, but my point is it was adorable, I'm super proud of the kids I knew, and I'm so grateful that our drama department has a future!!!

4. Tech Week!!!!
Tech week for the show I'm in starts TOMORROW. Yikes!!!

Well, not yet. Day one is always super boring, and by now, the only reason I look forward to going is to see who wins the Gypsy Robe Award. Otherwise, it's a safety lecture and committee meetings. Ho Hum.

The Gypsy Robe Award, by the way, is a tradition that some smaller theatre companies follow that started on Broadway. A member of the Ensemble is given a robe, and instantly becomes a good luck charm (it's good luck to hug the Gypsy Robe Winner before the show). Then, they add a patch for the show they won the award in onto the robe. It can turn out really beautiful!
Or...weird... like this one.... Your choice, really

I won the robe when I was in seventh grade for "Oliver!" My patch ended up being on the pocket of the robe, where I had a traditional picture representing the show, but there was a cord that led into the pocket attached to a wallet full of fake money and a show ticket stub. You could take the wallet in and out. If you've seen the show, you'll get this :)

5. College apps
They're stressful, they're annoying, and they're taking forever to finish. That's all.

Well... I'm feeling a little better now... maybe just because I finally got something on this website. Maybe I'm just feeling better.

I'm going to go to bed and hope that I'm not sick now... *sigh*. Phobias suck.


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