Sunday, October 28, 2012

Jump on the wagon...


World Series sweep? I think yes. In between doing college apps, hating college apps, and eating too much, I caught bits and pieces of the game. It was pretty intense! I'm just glad it all turned out well at the end :)

Still, it would've been nice if they had won at home... Spectacular, nonetheless. I'm proud to be from nearby their town.

Woo Hoo!!!
.....Ok. Can I stop pretending I know anything about baseball teams now?

Yes? You sure? Ok, good....

Whenever I talk about sports, I feel like this:

...."Is everybody gone?"..... That's from Toy Story 2 by the way.

See, I'm what they call a Bandwagon fan. Whoever's the most popular, awesome! I'm all for them! Go Giants! Go Sharks! Go Yankees! Go 49ers! Go __insert popular team here__.

Because of where I'm from, the Giants and the Sharks are the biggies. Because they're so popular, I like them now too. I'm not sure why, but I just do.

Now, there is one BIG exception: The Super Bowl. I never have certain, favorite football teams, but when the Super Bowl comes around, I always make my own prediction on who will win, and I stick with it. I've been right the past 3 years, so I like to continue my streak. If you're planning to bet this year, check back: hopefully I'll be right again.

By the way, while I was trying to find that Barbie video, I came across this:

How ADORABLE is that?!?! It may be one of my new favorite Youtube videos.

So, readers, Are you a legitimate sports fan? Or do you jump on bandwagons like me? Either way, what teams do you support?

Or, what's your favorite song from The Little Mermaid? I love "Poor Unfortunate Souls" and the reprise of "Part of Your World."


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