Sunday, October 21, 2012

Well... I haven't done this in a while

Blogging. I've flirted with the idea for a while now, but it's the temptation to post stupid stuff on Facebook that I'll likely forget later that's actually motivated me to put this plan into action (Politics, complaints about college apps, random poetry, religion, obsessing over Disney, random tangents of fantasy, etc.).

By the way, if you're a college admissions officer reading this from the future, a girl's got to express herself somehow, right? I can assure you I have a lot to offer your campus through my creative expression and bright ideas. :D

Phew, dodged that bullet... I hope... (please accept me into your school........)

Although speaking of false first impressions, I intend the name of this blog to be an oxymoron. I come from what they call a first-world country, hence, I constantly run into those petty, every-day issues that someone starving in Africa would like to shoot me for.
For example:

Tragic, isn't it?

It took me way too long to find this picture....

On the flip side of the title, I'm a theater chic. Or, Theater nerd. Theater geek? Thesbian? Disney Princess? Drama Queen? Imaginatively advantaged person? Whatever you want to call it, I've got that optimistic edge about me to know when one of my first world problems actually is a first-world problem. I pride myself in being perceptive (some of the time), thoughtful, imaginative, creative, caring, loyal, and outgoing; I'm not trying to just be impressive here. 

Long story short: You never know what you're going to find here. I intend these posts to reflect my life in a way: Interesting, spontaneous, and completely unpredictable. That's what life is in general, isn't it? If not interesting, there's no telling the future, and I enjoy not knowing what's around the riverbend.

I share my thoughts under the assumption that there's someone out there who's reading this and saying to his or herself, "Yeah... I know what you mean! I feel the same way! I thought I was the only one," or "Wow... I never thought about it that way before," or maybe just "Haha!!" No matter which response might be you, I hope this form of indirect communication can brighten your day, make you smile, make you think in a new way, or just plain amuse you. Besides, we're all in this life together, aren't we? Sometimes it's fun to get someone else's perspective.

Here's mine.


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