Monday, October 22, 2012

Stress Poem: "The Wiser Path"

Let's start our first blog with something exciting, shall we? Have a poem:

The Wiser Path

It seems I'm going down the road less traveled:
Untrodden with intelligence behind.
For life around me's dead, the path is graveled,
Uncertainty is all I'm sure to find.
The signs scream "No!" in perfect harmony
With battered, toothless rouges who have returned.
The innocent are each advised to flee
Before they face a lesson hardly learned.
Am I included in this cautioned call?
A treasure there is pulling me to steal
All it away: A wonder in the fall
Like Beauty's tempting orb above the wheel.
Those that advise: few see with open eyes.
Does dreaming make ignoring wisdom wise?

College. This poem is about college.

I've had a lot of people tell me lately that being a theater major is not a wise choice, with reasons varying from how unlikely I'm going to get a job, to all kinds of crap I'm going to be expected to do onstage as an actress, to my likelihood to impress a college by auditions (because let's face it: I'm not Broadway material and I'm horrid at auditioning), to my talent in general, to the method I should pursue theater, to what part of theater I should pursue... the list goes on.

I think I've got what it takes to try, and that I'm prepared for rejection if that's what needs to happen. My list of colleges I'm applying to includes places both where I can get in, and where I might not. I don't have a top favorite. My expectations are low. If I go out there and try my best, how hard can it be? 


Am I being unwise by following my dream? Or am I just being bold and naive?


(poem copyrighted by this blogger on October 23 2012. No reproductions allowed without proper citation.)
(In other words: Say that you wrote this and I will be mad, cause I wrote it. Harumph. Make your own ideas, stealers!)
(Just kidding, I love you <3)
(but seriously...)

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